Superfood Cereal - Banana 9oz
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Rice flour, Quinoa flour, Brown sugar, Chia seeds, Banana natural flavour, Vitamin C.

Healthy and tasty. This cereal is a lot healthier than a lot of mainstream cereals and it doesn't skimp on flavor either. It's sweet but not TOO sweet, satisfying the desire for something sweet in the morning. I would definitely recommend it if you're looking for a more nutritious breakfast cereal.
Super crunch cereal with a very light hint of banana. If I were to compare this to another cereal, it would be kix, but banana flavored. It has a very subtle sweet banana taste, definitely not overwhelmingly sweet. It is however super crunchy, like "leave it in the bowl soaked in milk for 5+min and still crunchy" crunchy. | don't really like to eat the cereal right out of the box because it is really crunchy. I like to soak it fora couple of minutes before eating. It gives the cereal a nice soft coat while still remaining crunch on the inside. Other things to note: - Cereal does not stick to teeth - hold its shape well after soaked in milk - taste great with granola
Wei M
Nice crunch, decent taste and healthy! I always feel guilty eating breakfast cereal because | know they typically contain a lot of sugar. The banana flavor only contains 4 g of sugar per serving and still has a nice sweetness to it - such a plus! Also, the pops are light and have a nice crunch to them. My five year old enjoyed them as a snack, and | had some with almond milk which was pretty good. | was bummed though because | ordered the multi-pack but received all banana. | was so looking forward to trying the chocolate. Other than that, | think this is a great, nutritious cereal.
Love the taste! I very much like the taste of this cereal, which is a big bonus aside from the healthy qualities. Do some searching about quinoa and chia, both are apparently quite healthy. In particular, | saw several mentions of the benefits of quinoa for those with IBS, that alone made me want to try it. The only one issue I have, and it's minor, is that the cereal is kind of hard. Definitely more crunchy than typical cereal, but it does tend to soft up after a few minutes in milk. They are all great, but so far my favorite is the banana flavor, with vanilla almond milk. Tastes like banana ice cream!
Banana flavor is delicious! I love quinoa cereal and was excited to try the three flavors in this collection. Sadly, when I opened my box, it had three boxes of banana cereal. The banana is good but three boxes of it is a lot. I also missed the opportunity to taste the chocolate and apple cinnamon. The banana cereal has a nice crunch and keeps it's crunch even when like is added. The banana flavor is not real strong. I found the cereal to be better with just a tiny bit of sugar or sugar substitute, but I do like my cereal sweet so many will find it sweet enough on it's own. I am a fan of the ingredients in this cereal because they are quite healthy.
FL Kayaker
I ordered the banana flavor. | find them to be pretty bland and not overly satisfying to eat. | added in some dried banana slices because while the box shows slices, the cereal is only the puffs (most brands will have a note that the picture is a serving suggestion, but not this brand). In the end, | wouldn't suggest the banana version.
The LiveKuna KunaPops Superfood Cereal of 3 medium sized boxes came well packaged in a big box. I am always on the lookout for a good, healthy cereal, so I thought I'd give these a try. First off, they look natural and healthy. Secondly, they are made with simple ingredients void of weird chemicals and preservatives. It has only 6 ingredients making it a good choice for the health conscious. However, they are sweet and contain brown sugar. For me, they fall under the category of dessert food. It's not high in sugar (4% RDA), but it tastes like they are to me. They have a decent crunch and are tasty on their own or with milk. Overall, it's a decent low fat cereal that curbs the sweet tooth while providing plenty of nutrition including 17% iron. Made in Ecuador ~ Kort